Shawn Hubers

I live in Dallas, NC with my wife Jessica and my two children Kylie and Brady. I am currently the Assistant Principal at Cherryville Elementary School after serving nine years as a health/physical education teacher and basketball coach at North Gaston High School. Our family attends Kings Mountain First Baptist Church where I serve as a deacon and Sunday school teacher for young adults.

Growing up in a Christian home I was exposed to the claims of Christianity at a young age. I went to a Christian school, attended Church every Sunday, and youth group every Wednesday. My whole world was Christian, and I never questioned what I was being taught. That changed as a Freshmen in college when I was exposed to teaching that challenged the truth of Christianity and I was unable to defend what I believed to be true. I began to question, does God really exist or was it something my parents and friends had told me because that was what was told to them? Is there any evidence for the truth of Christianity? These questions drove me to investigate the truth claims of theism in general and Christianity in particular. After about six months I came to believe that God does exist and that Christianity is true. This belief based on evidence gave me the confidence to step out in faith and accept Christ as my personal savior.

A Reasoned Faith was created when I was approached by our church leadership in 2011 about teaching a class in apologetics. Rather than simply picking a book and doing a book study I decided to create my own 8 week course based on a variety of different sources that I have studied. My hope is that my course will challenge non Christians to come face to face with the truth of Christianity as well as challenging Christians to do what Peter tells to do in I Peter 3:15 (always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who ask you the reason for the hope that you have).

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